SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS-Freya Pruitt is not someone you ignore. She is way beyond clichés like iron will and dogged determination. If anyone else had offered this, I would have laughed, saying thanks before refusing. But, Freya asked me to be her magazine’s new Food and Wine editor. As of now, I’m aboard with Today’s Texas Woman. And very happy with my decision.

“There is great power in a group of people who live from a spirit of hope and gratefulness. America was founded on a pioneer spirit of truth and faith. We need to believe we have not changed our very souls. This defining moment in history will either produce giants of hope and encouragement or a quivering spirit of fear and indecisiveness. I have chosen to believe in the indomitable spirit of America. We must reach out to make a difference by being a difference. Join us all in making our world a beacon of hope and encouragement by speaking the truth and extending our family of love to the world.”
Today’s Texas Woman is domiciled in San Antonio, one of the most exciting cities in America. My work will showcase people, places, wines, celebrities and stars of tomorrow, restaurants, chefs, and travel opportunities not only in Texas but also throughout the country.
Good news. I'll continue writing for the other publications from Atlanta to Oregon to Florida that carry my columns and features. I will remain the managing editor of Wines Down South. Too much work? Hardly. Freya Pruitt, by words and deeds, reminds me each day that limitations are self-imposed . Good work is transcendent. There are no barriers.
Enjoy an evening at Savi in Atlanta:
And a journey along North Florida’s Spanish Trace:
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