A President’s Day Observance
By Doc Lawrence
It’s the perfect day to ponder the life and times of George
Washington, the undisputed Father of America. A fascinating man: Soldier, gentleman, leader and
whiskey maker. Your trip to Washington’s Mount Vernon home
just outside the nation’s capital is culturally enriching. Tour and relive
vicariously daily life at the farm and distillery. You can even purchase a
bottle of George Washington Rye Whiskey for around $100 dollars, made, of course,
in accordance with our first president’s formula.
Nan Marshall and Helen Broder’s What Would George Do?
Advice from our Founding Father (Pelican Publishing 2013) is my trusted
guide for daily behavior. Inspired by Washington’s use of 110 Rules and Decent
Behavior copied during his school days from a Jesuit publication, the
formidable mother-daughter pair of steel magnolias provided me with a reference
when I need reminding (almost daily) of how to conduct myself and the respect
others are due from me no matter the situation or circumstance.
This authors apply easy to use wisdom to common situations
where guidance is often quite handy.

Nice article. Wonder what George would do if he were brought back to life today?